Jesuit Lives Map

The above map allows you to search the Catalogus defunctorum in renata Societate Iesu by a Jesuit's last name. When a match is found, the "life-line" of the Jesuit appears, showing their movement across the world from birth to their place of entry to their place of death. If a Jesuit within the Jesuit Online Necrology does not appear when searched for, it is likely that his spatial data is incomplete, in that the spatial coordinates for one of these locations (birth, entrance place, death) is unknown. Clicking on a Jesuit’s marker or life-line will open a popup box with further details, as well as a link to his database entry. The export data button allows you to export they information about the Jesuit as a .json txt file.

This map was created using the open-source javascript library LeafletJS and a several plugins, including Leaflet.Pancontrol and Leaflet.Control.Search. See our project praxis page for more details, or return to the map list

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